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    Yun Xia

    创建时间:  2020-05-12  宋桂林    浏览次数:


    Yun Xia



    伟德国际手机1946历史系特聘教授,博士生导师。北京大学历史系及北京大学经济研究中心双学士,美国University of Oregon(俄勒冈大学)历史学硕士、博士。研究方向为中国近现代史,尤其是晚清法律改革以来的中国法律、犯罪与社会。于2019年秋季加入伟德国际手机1946,此前先后在美国Seattle University (西雅图大学) 和Valparaiso University(瓦尔帕莱索大学)任教,并于Valparaiso University 取得终身教授职位(Tenured Associate Professor) , 在该校任教期间还担任中日研究系主任,驻浙江大学海外教育中心负责人,孔子学院理事等行政职位。现任International Society for Chinese Law & History (中國法律與歷史國際協會)国际会议部委员,上海犹太难民纪念馆国际学者咨询委员会顾问,Twentieth-Century China 等多种同行评审学术期刊(peer-reviewed journals)特邀审稿人。



    Monograph and edited volumes

    2017. Down with Traitors: Justice and Nationalism in Wartime China. Seattle: University of Washington.该专著获得欧美学界二战史著名学者的联名推荐,并获得美国亚洲研究学会 (Association For Asian Studies)首部专著奖及发表津贴 (First Book Subvention Award)。
    2019. Co-edited with Xu Jingsheng. Compendium of Chinese Medical Wisdom. (condensed version). Zhengzhou: Henan Keji Chubanshe.  
    ------.2015. 编译,《中医典故》中英文对照四卷本,河南科技出版社出版。
    ------. 2020. 编译,《战时沦陷区与伪政权》,广东人民出版社。本书为吕彤邻、杨东权主编《外国观察者眼中的中共抗战:美军观察组延安机密档案》系列之一。

    Selected Book Chapters & Articles

    2020.“Traitors in Limbo: Chinese Trials of White Russian Spies, 1937-1948.” Upcoming with Nationalities Papers (SSCI Journal).
    2020. “Resolutions on Preventing Hanjian Activities and Espionage.” In Translating the Occupation: The Japanese Invasion of China, 1931-45. Edited by Jonathan Henshaw, et al. University of British Columbia Press.  
    2019.“Punishing Han Traitors beyond Chinese Borders” in Barak Kushner, Andrew Levidis and Sherzod Muminov, In the Ruins of the Japanese Empire: Imperial Violence, State Destruction, and the Reordering of Modern East Asia. Hong Kong University Press.
    2018.“Taipei and Tokyo: Turf Wars and Taiwanese Identity,” in Aaron Magnan-Park, Gina Marchetti and Tan See-kam, Palgrave Handbook of Asian Cinema. Palgrave Macmillan.

    2017.“The White Wolf of China and his Solution for Taiwan,” The Diplomat, Sept. 18.

    2016.“Asian Organized Crime in Films,” Academic Perspective, (12) 2016, 115-120.
    2013.“Engendering Contempt for Collaborators: Anti-Hanjian Discourse Following the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945.” Journal of Women’s History (25) 2013: 111-134 (SSCI Journal)
    2005. 《端方与晚清留学教育》,《北京大学研究生学志》第82期。
    Work in Progress

    The History of the Shanghai Jews: New Pathways of Research Co-edited Volume with Kevin Ostoyich, Valparaiso University, under review by Palgrave Macmillan.

    Subversive Taiwan: Law and Disorder in Historical Context Co-edited with Weiting Guo at Aix-Marseille University (France).
    Monograph: The White Wolf of China: A Biography of Zhang Anle






